Yesterday, I finally made it! It wasn't as awful as a journey as I thought it would have been. To begin, I thought it was going to be a lot more difficult to leave my parents. With all do respect, and remember, I'm saying with all do respect (Talladega Nights reference) , but even though I cried, there was a part of me that finally felt free. So there I was, trying to hold myself together, as I caught the last glimpse I would get of my parents for a couple months. I exhaled as they disappeared and turned forward as my new adventure began. Unfortunately, I kept bumping into people with my gigantic backpacking back pack. That was annoying. And it was super heavy. It was like carrying another person on my back. My shoulders are freaking sore right now because of it. Anyway, as I boarded my plane, I did that whole crying thing again. Luckily, no one sat next to me, so I could quietly sob to myself for like a solid 25 minutes. It also enabled me to completely sprawl out like no ones business for the 9 1/2 hour plane ride. I had my own personal screen in front of me allowing me to listen to music or watch movies or play games. It was nice. So yeah, here I am, flying over the Atlantic, crying to myself. The thing that made me stop was (brace yourselves, its about to get really cheesy) I saw a rainbow. And you better believe the plane flew OVER that rainbow. I felt pretty accomplished after that. For the rest of the time, I watched The Descendants, which is a great movie and I highly recommend it. I probably slept for a total of two hours within a 24 hour span, so that was great. But what time I didn't spend sleeping or trying to sleep, I spent playing solitare. And I beat the game eight times. EIGHT. After the eighth time of winning, I finally was able to sleep. And when I woke up, the sun was rising when we were flying over the coast of England. It was really beautiful. Then we flew into Germany, to my surprise, resembled the Mid-Western United states. It was just kinda flat and had a lot of windmills.
In Berlin, I had a 6 hour layover where I sat and did nothing. Then I got on my flight to Barcelona. The path that was taken went over the alps. And lucky for me, I had a window seat again. For a while, I thought I was just looking at clouds (keep in mind I was delirious from lack of sleep). But, no, actually, I was looking at extremely large snowcapped mountains.
And then I came in over the Mediterranean (I'm not entirely sure which country. France, perhaps?)
Anyway, I am now in Barcelona safe and sound. I haven't done much exploring yet because I've been busy unpacking and sleeping for 14 hours. And finally, one last picture before I conclude:
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